Some Assembly Required
Some Assembly Required is a weekly audio art show focused on works of audio appropriation. "Tape manipulations, digital deconstructions and turntable creations." More information, online at:
March 7, 2010

This week's episode features a "Family" theme, including a short interview session with my own mother and father, just for fun. Originally aired in 2003, it's the last episode to add to the archive of "other" interviews, located HERE. I created the page to feature some of the interviews/specials which didn't exactly fit into the category of artist interviews (you can find the main Artist Interview page HERE, by the way).

Ten of the artists in this week's episode (#49) have previously responded to the SAR Q&A. You can read over 150 of these online artist features at the Some Assembly Required website HERE.

Check out these ten to start...

SAR Q&A with The Bran Flakes

SAR Q&A with Steve Dirkx

SAR Q&A with The Evolution Control Committee

SAR Q&A with Laso Halo

SAR Q&A with Lecture on Nothing

SAR Q&A with Don Joyce (Negativland)

SAR Q&A with People Like Us

SAR Q&A with Public Works

SAR Q&A with Realistic

SAR Q&A with Silica-Gel

Thanks for listening!
Jon Nelson
Category: -- posted at: 4:58pm PDT