Wed, 18 May 2011
Episode 04, Some Assembly Required 01 The Tape-beatles - “Love” 02 Wobbly - “Ask me me me?” 03 Negativland - “Stress in marriage” 04 Involution - “Lab love” 05 The Bran Flakes - “Learning about love” 06 Steinski and Mass Media - “Wild about that thing” 07 Negativland - “The playboy channel” 08 The Tape-beatles - “Rhythm filler” 09 Steve Fisk - “Love X 8” 10 Silica-Gel - “Sex w/ a woman” 11 Wobbly - “3 sex tunes: Eggs, Baby, Feelings” 12 The Bran Flakes - “Feelings” 13 The Button - “The most ugly man in the world” 14 Echelon/Jane Dowe - “Robot love I love you” 15 Lecture on Nothing - “The art of love” 16 The Tape-beatles - “Desire” 17 Silica-Gel - “I honestly love you” 18 The Bran Flakes - “Mutual admiration and love” Use this address, for your pod software: