Some Assembly Required
Some Assembly Required is a weekly audio art show focused on works of audio appropriation. "Tape manipulations, digital deconstructions and turntable creations." More information, online at:
Episode 13, Some Assembly Required 01 John Oswald - “Way” 02 Steve Dirkx - “Ringo is god is acid” 03 The Tape-beatles - “Grave implications” 04 Big City Orchestra - “Bulldog” 05 John Oswald - “Beatles” 06 The Residents - “Beyond the valley of a day in the life” 07 The Tape-beatles - “Scream scream scream” 08 Big City Orchestra - “Bleujay” 09 The Bran Flakes - “Call me patches” 10 Steve Fisk - “Taxman” 11 Escape Mechanism - “Why does the light fall?” 12 Negativland - “Helter Stupid” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm PDT