Some Assembly Required
Some Assembly Required is a weekly audio art show focused on works of audio appropriation. "Tape manipulations, digital deconstructions and turntable creations." More information, online at:
Episode 01, Some Assembly Required 01 John Oswald - "Power" 02 The Bran Flakes - "Let us praise him children" 03 Negativland - "(Untitled)" 04 Escape Mechanism - "Today" 05 Steve Fisk - "Kennedy saga (part VII)" 06 Brian Eno/David Byrne - "Help me, somebody" 07 The Tape-beatles - "The law of repetition" 08 Steve Fisk - "The Way" 09 Lecture on Nothing - "Truckloads of bibles" 10 Negativland - "I am god" 11 Rik Rue - "Standing for nothing/falling for everything" 12 Escape Mechanism - "No reason" 13 Public Works - "Follow me" 14 The Evolution Control Committee - "Yakaroni and cheese" 15 Laso Halo - "One Jesus" 16 Naked Rabbit - "His name is Jesus" 17 Space Mesa - "Light of eternal mind" 18 Negativland - "Christianity is stupid" Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:50pm PST

Unfinished Business - Part IV (Business Is Finished) I couldn't wait to upload the remaining episodes... The need to wrap this up sooner than later was too great. I just posted 4 of the last 5 to the archive and am uploading the fifth as I type this. Episode #1 was produced sometime in March or April of 2001, and it's the last to be added to the archive. So Some Assembly Required has been in syndication for just over a decade. I'd been doing the show live up to that point, in Minneapolis, and only started to pre-produce in 2001 so that I could send the show out to air on other radio stations. It turned out to be a lot more work than I had anticipated, but by the time I realized what I'd signed myself up for there were more than five stations expecting new episodes every week. I took pride in that and so somehow found the time. Within a couple of years the show was being broadcast in dozens of different cities and my fate was sealed. Thanks again to everyone for all the emails I've been getting since announcing the show's retirement. It actually means an awful lot. It's been really great to hear from folks who listened regularly and enjoyed the show. I'll miss it as well, of course! Episode #1 is up next... enjoy. Thanks for listening, Jon Nelson
Category: -- posted at: 3:48pm PST

Episode 04, Some Assembly Required 01 The Tape-beatles - “Love” 02 Wobbly - “Ask me me me?” 03 Negativland - “Stress in marriage” 04 Involution - “Lab love” 05 The Bran Flakes - “Learning about love” 06 Steinski and Mass Media - “Wild about that thing” 07 Negativland - “The playboy channel” 08 The Tape-beatles - “Rhythm filler” 09 Steve Fisk - “Love X 8” 10 Silica-Gel - “Sex w/ a woman” 11 Wobbly - “3 sex tunes: Eggs, Baby, Feelings” 12 The Bran Flakes - “Feelings” 13 The Button - “The most ugly man in the world” 14 Echelon/Jane Dowe - “Robot love I love you” 15 Lecture on Nothing - “The art of love” 16 The Tape-beatles - “Desire” 17 Silica-Gel - “I honestly love you” 18 The Bran Flakes - “Mutual admiration and love” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR04.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:57pm PST

Episode 05, Some Assembly Required 01 Wobbly - “I’m in the zone” 02 Plunderphonics All Stars - "Untitled (segment, side A)" 03 Cast of Thousands w/ Escape Mechanism - “Draining” 04 Silica-Gel - “Master of the game” 05 Negativland - “Discernment" 06 Negativland - "Metaloop" 07 Tom Recchion - “Out of the dunes” 08 Turntable Trainwreck - "(Untitled)" 09 People Like Us - "(Untitled)" Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR05.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:25pm PST

Episode 06, Some Assembly Required 01 The Evolution Control Committee - “Rocked by rape” 02 John Oswald - “Pretender” 03 Natasha Spencer - “The house she flew in on (excerpt)” 04 William S. Burroughs - “Origin and theory of the tape cut-ups” 05 William S. Burroughs - “Recalling all active agents” 06 The Evolution Control Committee - “Bush speech (corrected - part 1)” 07 Negativland - “Yellow black and rectangular” 08 The Evolution Control Committee - “Bush speech (corrected - part 2)” 09 The Tape-beatles - “The law of repetition” 10 Steinski and Mass Media - “Its up to you (the war mix)” 11 People Like Us - “More plunderblunders” 12 Escape Mechanism - “Culture” 13 Pedro Rebelo - “...Just cartoon music” 14 The Tape-beatles - “From the tide or the wind” 15 People Like Us - “Whistle song” 16 Corporal Blossom - “Plastic job” 17 Steinski and Mass Media - “The xen to one ratio” 18 Glockenspiel - “When the record goes around” Use this address, for your pod software:

Direct download: SAR06.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:10pm PST

Episode 07, Some Assembly Required 01 Lecture on Nothing - “Grab and pull” 02 Escape Mechanism - “No reason” 03 Public Works - “Noise” 04 Steev Hise - “Retrofuturist trip-swing (gender politics mix)” 05 People Like Us - “Sugar & splice” 06 John Oswald - “White” 07 Steinski and Mass Media - “Everything’s disappeared” 08 Escape Mechanism - “Digital occasion” 09 David Shea - "(untitled)" 10 Silica-Gel - “Beauty bugaboo” 11 Antediluvian Rocking Horse - “The premier needs protection” 12 David Shea - "(untitled)" 13 Laso Halo - “One Jesus” 14 People Like Us - “Yodel bomber” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR07.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:05pm PST

Getting pretty close now... Just posted five more (old) episodes. Looks like I'll get the remaining shows posted by June at the latest. These last few episodes are all from the very first syndicated season of the show, produced at least ten years ago. The fact is they're sometimes a little bit difficult for me to listen to now, but here they are nonetheless... More coming soon. I should find the time to upload another four episodes sometime in the next week or two and then it's just the debut episode - Show #1. The countdown to closure has begun... Thanks for listening! Jon
Category: -- posted at: 6:15pm PST

Episode 09, Some Assembly Required 01 People Like Us - “Repeat to fade” 02 Public Works - “Substance” 03 Wobbly - “Only musical” 04 John Oswald - “Angle” 05 The Bran Flakes - “Welcome to the human race” 06 Lecture on Nothing - “The heimlich maneuver” 07 Steve Fisk - “I wish I were dead, part 1” 08 Laso Halo - “Sleepy time jazz” 09 Tim Maloney - “Thunderclock” 10 Silica-Gel - “Pssst” 11 Negativland - “Tribal mandate” 12 Public Works - “Numbers (side A)” Use this address, for your pod software:
Category: -- posted at: 6:10pm PST

Episode 10, Some Assembly Required 01 The Tape-beatles - “The American adventure” 02 Steve Fisk - “Ragged old flag” 03 Negativland - “The gun and the bible” 04 The Tape-beatles - “America is confident” 05 The Evolution Control Committee - “Bush speech (corrected - part 1) 06 The Evolution Control Committee - “Bush speech (corrected - part 2) 07 Steinski and Mass Media - “Its up to you (the television mix)” 08 Project Data Control - “Blame the media” 09 Negativland - “Our national anthem” 10 Steev Hise - “Slicing up amerika” 11 Adam “Ad-Rock” Horowitz - “Countdown” 12 The Evolution Control Committee - “Rocked by Rape” 13 Lecture on Nothing - “Chicken Sludge” 14 Christopher Penrose - “American Jingo” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:08pm PST

Episode 11, Some Assembly Required 01 Christian Marclay - “Jukebox Cappricio” 02 Wet Gate - “The invocation of Heather Nitrate” 03 Wobbly/Weatherman - "(Untitled)" 04 Michael Townsend - “11-11” 05 Plunderphonics All Stars - "Untitled (Public Works side)" Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR11.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:06pm PST

Episode 12, Some Assembly Required 01 Lecture on Nothing - “Beyond names and forms” 02 Rik Rue - “Dream speed” 03 Silica-Gel - “Personal dream” 04 Turntable Trainwreck - ""Untitled)" 05 The Button - “Shifting frequencies” 06 Escape Mechanism - “Wake up” 07 DJ Shadow - “What does your soul look like (part 1 - blue sky revisit) 08 Mag Wheels - “Wake up” 09 Laso Halo - “Sleepy time jazz” 10 David Shea - “Shock corridor” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:04pm PST

Episode 13, Some Assembly Required 01 John Oswald - “Way” 02 Steve Dirkx - “Ringo is god is acid” 03 The Tape-beatles - “Grave implications” 04 Big City Orchestra - “Bulldog” 05 John Oswald - “Beatles” 06 The Residents - “Beyond the valley of a day in the life” 07 The Tape-beatles - “Scream scream scream” 08 Big City Orchestra - “Bleujay” 09 The Bran Flakes - “Call me patches” 10 Steve Fisk - “Taxman” 11 Escape Mechanism - “Why does the light fall?” 12 Negativland - “Helter Stupid” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Here's another installment to the SAR archive - four more older shows to fill in the gaps. Episodes 14, 15, 17 and 18 are from the first season of Some Assembly Required (Episode 16 is too, with its John Oswald feature, but that was uploaded some time ago). My plan is still to upload about 4 a month until the archive is complete - apparently I was just extra motivated this week! You can find a full list of downloadable episodes HERE. Thanks for listening, Jon Nelson
Category: -- posted at: 11:14pm PST

Episode 14, Some Assembly Required 01 Your Host Bobby - “The rock critic” 02 Repetophile - “Till the end of time” 03 Dum Dum TV - "Couch Potato Resistance 7” (Side One)" 04 Think Tank - “A knife and a fork” 05 Greater Than One - “Now is the time” 06 David Shea - "(untitled) 07 People Like Us - “Morning, Pedro” 08 Cut Chemist - “Lesson 4: The radio” 09 David Shea - "(untitled)" 10 Phil Milstein - “Opera (swivel ring)” 11 Buttfinger - “Walking bible” 12 Negativland - “U2 (special edit radio mix)” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:15am PST

Episode 15, Some Assembly Required 01 Time’s Up - “The sound of muzak” 02 Negativland - "True/False Tour (live segment)" 03 KLF - “Next” 04 Steev Hise - “Beatle pound” 05 Steve Dirkx - “I believe it” 06 The Tape-beatles - “A hard hand to hold” 07 Big City Orchestra - “Take two” 08 Steve Dirkx - “Our life” 09 The Plagiarist - “Fernando” 10 KLF - “The queen and I” 11 Alec Empire - “Something for the pain” 12 Steev Hise - “Return of the king” 13 James Tenney - "Collage #1 (blue suede)" 14 Alec Empire - “Blue moon” 15 John Oswald - “Don't” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:10am PST

Episode 17, Some Assembly Required 01 Steve Fisk - “Priorities” 02 Art of Noise - “Peter Gunn theme (the twang mix)” 03 Public Works - “Mortal mind” 04 David Shea/DJ Grasshopper - “Tasty cake” 05 Apollo and Fluid Motion - “Interstellar hydroponics” 06 E_B_A - “destTroy” 07 Silica-Gel - “Tar” 08 People Like Us - “Sugar & splice” 09 Todd Polenberg - “Unfair hearing test” 10 The Evolution Control Committee - “Rebel without a pause” 11 Steinski and Mass Media - “The Simpsons theme park remix” 12 Brindle Spork - “Mommy bomb” 13 People Like Us/The Jet Black Hair People/Wobbly - “If someone touches you” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:05am PST

Episode 18, Some Assembly Required 01 Nubile G and the Spurious Whiz - “Your jolly giant” 02 Steinski and Mass Media - “Everything’s disappeared” 03 Dad’s New Slacks - “144 arguments for the elimination of television” 04 The Evolution Control Committee - “Rocked by rape” 05 OBE - “Recycled flashback” 06 Escape Mechanism - “Culture” 07 500 hours free - "A collected response to TimeWarnerAOL (segment)" 08 The Evolution Control Committee - “Computers” 09 The Bran Flakes - “A musical computer” 10 The Bran Flakes - “Turn the channel, it’s another commercial” 11 Steinski and Mass Media - “We’ll be right back” 12 The Button - “No broadcast ever” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am PST

No, I haven't come out of retirement, I'm just completing the archive of old shows... There were over a dozen left to upload when we aired the final episode of Some Assembly Required in January, and I think my plan is to upload about 4 a month until the archive is complete. I just finished adding Episodes 19-22 today. You can find a full list of downloadable episodes HERE. Thanks for listening! Jon Nelson
Category: -- posted at: 12:47pm PST

Episode 19, Some Assembly Required (2001 Sound Unseen feature) 01 John Oswald - “Dab” 02 The Tape-beatles - “Byways of ghostland” 03 The Tape-beatles - “A strange story” 04 The Tape-beatles - “The man of to-morrow” 05 Wet Gate - "(performance excerpt)" 06 Wobbly - “Song after song” 07 Chopping Channel - (performance excerpt, 08/02/01) 08 Steev Hise - “A memeful of dollars (the frontier is inside)” 09 Escape Mechanism - “Culture” 10 John Oswald - "Philosophry" 11 The Tape-beatles - “Education of the will” 12 Wobbly - “Drew fave” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:40pm PST

Episode 20, Some Assembly Required 01 Lecture on Nothing - “I will rise (traditional) 02 DJ Shadow - “Best foot forward” 03 Phil Milstein - “Scream!” 04 The Bran Flakes - “Hollerin’ linguistics” 05 Buttfinger - “Nuclear power plant” 06 Steve Dirkx - “Our life (reprise)” 07 (c)(Pee) - “King Brian” 08 Escape Mechanism - “No reason” 09 The Bran Flakes - “This sound” 10 Dum Dum TV - "Parti-colored irregular sonic (track 3)" 11 The Evolution Control Committee - “I don’t care” 12 Steve Fisk - “Government figures” 13 Steev Hise - “Slicing up Amerika” 14 Alien Heat - “Illegal space kids” 15 Lecture on Nothing - “Basic sound” 16 The Bran Flakes - You can be my monkey” 17 Antediluvian Rocking Horse - “The premier needs protection” 18 The Button - “Our fax number” 19 Mag Wheels - “Xylophone mix” 20 The Bran Flakes - “Oh Don Ho” 21 Lecture on Nothing - “Country but” 22 Hise/Wobbly/ECC - “30 fingers” 23 Tim Maloney - “Crash!” 24 Mr. Meridies - “Remember” 25 The Evolution Contol Committee - “Toot” 26 Wake Up and Listen - “Tastes like wood” 27 The Bran Flakes - “Homicidal UFO” 28 Escape Mechanism - “Signify” 29 Magwheels - “Don’t get excited” 30 Buttfinger - “Energy blade” 31 DJ Shadow - “Why hip hop sucks in ‘96” 32 The Doom Patrol - “Year of the rabbit” 33 Escape Mechanism - “Coffee cake” 34 Dum Dum TV - "Parti-colored irregular sonic (track 1)" 35 Tim Maloney - “Your response” 36 Phil Milstein - “Dressed in black (collection)” 37 Escape Mechanism - “Interlude” 38 Tim Maloney - “Your employer” 39 Steve Dirkx - “Ibleekesteenveldt” 40 Phil Milstein - “Phone mess” 41 Lecture on Nothing - “Facts” 42 The Bran Flakes - “Go go up!” 43 Magwheels - “In your nation” 44 Steve Fisk - “To abide in the flesh” 45 The Bran Flakes - “They’re laughing at me” 46 The Evolution Control Committee - “Be worried” 47 Buttfinger - “Machine five” 48 Steve Fisk - “Invocation” 49 Phil Milstein - “Lum ‘n Abner” 50 Mr. Meridies - “Core dump” 51 Buttfinger - “Type and return” 52 The Evolution Control Committee - “Happening” 53 The Bran Flakes - “Glory” 54 Lecture on Nothing - “We think” 55 The Evolution Control Committee - “Boopbumple nature” 56 Magwheels - “Pay!” 57 Wake Up And Listen - "(Untitled)" Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:38pm PST

Episode 21, Some Assembly Required 01 Negativland - "Track 7 (debut album)" 02 Silica-Gel - “You weird” 03 Tom Recchion - “Mindless dread” 04 Realistic - “Smells like teen disco” 05 The Tape-beatles - “Dashed against the rock” 06 People Like Us - “Kitten” 07 David Shea and DJ Grazhoppa - “Hum hum hum” 08 Jim Allenspach - “Friends” 09 Wobbly - “Clawing your eyes out down to your throat” 10 John Oswald - "(Untitled)" 11 Laso Halo - “I’ll fight Max” 12 The Tape-beatles - “Education of the will” 13 Steinski - “Collage #7” 14 Rik Rue - “Toy joy” 15 Silica-Gel - “Basement” 16 The Tape-beatles - “I can’t help you at all; sorry” 17 Todd Polenberg - “Testing (in stereo)” 18 People Like Us - “People like modern clothing” 19 Jim Allenspach - “Garbage can” 20 The Tape-beatles - “Different tool” 21 Repetophile - “Tonight” 22 Jim Allenspach - “Beat” 23 Negativland - "Track 12 (debut album)" 24 John Oswald - “Ten4” 25 Wobbly - “Worry don’t thing” 26 People Like Us - “Music of your own” 27 Steinski - “Collage #6” 28 The Tape-beatles - “Every man a king” 29 David Shea and DJ Grazhoppa - “Old note 24/7” 30 Todd Polenberg - “The devil?” 31 Silica-Gel - “Pleasing” 32 Laso Halo - “One Jesus” 33 People Like Us - “Oh no” 34 Silica-Gel - “Punishment” 35 Negativland - “The way of it” 36 John Oswald - “Tune” 37 People Like Us - “Thank you” 38 The Tape-beatles - “Earlids” 39 Wobbly - “Oogamund” 40 People Like Us - “Nobody does” 41 Jim Allenspach - “People like um” 42 David Shea and DJ Grazhoppa - “Tired” 43 Negativland - "Track 20 (debut album)" 44 Rik Rue - “Another fontana mix” 45 Brindle Spork - “Mommy bomb” 46 David Shea and DJ Grazhoppa - “Anytime pt. 2” 47 Silica-Gel - “Hungry and greedy” 48 John Oswald - “2 net” 49 The Tape-beatles - “I can’t do it” 50 People Like Us - “Doo dah tango” 51 People Like Us - “Ready to fly?” 52 The Tape-beatles - “The great inspiration” 53 John Oswald - “Prelude” 54 Silica-Gel - “Sum of your life” 55 Steinski - “The xen to one ratio” 56 The Tape-beatles - “Pens, pencils, stationary” 57 Jim Allenspach - “They” 58 Wobbly - “Christian music” 59 People Like Us - “Ily” 60 Negativland - "Track 14 (debut album)" Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:34pm PST

Episode 22, Some Assembly Required 01 Silica-Gel - “Master of the game” 02 People Like Us - “Whistle song” 03 Realistic - “Larry love said” 04 People Like Us - “Dead radio” 05 Silica-Gel - “Sh**heel” 06 People Like Us - “Sugar and splice” 07 Silica-Gel - “Sex w/ a woman” 08 Realistic - “Looking for a handout” 09 People Like Us - “Come, go away” 10 Realistic - “Smells like teen disco” 11 Silica-Gel - “Beauty bugaboo” 12 People Like Us - “Heep hop” 13 Realistic - “Trademark massage” 14 People Like Us - “Importance of mistakes” 15 Silica-Gel - “Master of the game (live)” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:29pm PST

This week's episode is the last episode of our final quarter. It's a re-run from the first season of the show. There are just over a dozen episodes left to upload from that year and then every single episode of Some Assembly Required will be available to hear online. At present, there are well over 200 episodes up and available to download for free. I plan to leave these archived here at the SAR website for new listeners. I don't know when I'll get around to uploading those last few episodes from the very first season, but I hope to get it done before the end of the year. Somehow, it just won't feel finished until every last episode is available! In the meantime, click HERE for a list of every episode available to download, along with playlist information for each show. Thanks again for twelve amazing years, Jon Nelson
Category: -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Episode 23, Some Assembly Required 01 Public Works - “Mortal mind” 02 Realistic - “I am what?” 03 Steve Fisk - “Government figures” 04 Lecture on Nothing - “Forward to victory” 05 Coil - “Who’ll fall?” 06 The Bran Flakes - “The intoxicating reverberasia lot” 07 Silica-Gel - “Master of the game” 08 Escape Mechanism - “Being” 09 The Evolution Control Committee - “Nothing really matters” 10 Steve Fisk - “I wish I were dead, part 1” 11 The Tape-beatles - “Please help me” 12 The Evolution Control Committee - “I don’t care” 13 Rik Rue - “The never nothing” 14 Tim Maloney - “Crash!” 15 Steve Fisk - “No 2nd chance” 16 Silica-Gel - “Sum of your life” 17 People Like Us - "(untitled)" Use this address, for your pod software:
Category: -- posted at: 7:00am PST

Episode 262, Some Assembly Required 01 Nubile G and the Spurious whiz - “Your jolly giant” 02 RIAA – “Some Assembly Required” 03 DJ QBert – “Turntable TV (Re-Vizion)” 04 I Cut People – “JonBoy Detonator” 05 David Morneau – “Some Dash Dot Required” 06 CCC – “Lust Train” 07 John Oswald – “Pretender” 08 People Like Us – “Dolly pardon” 09 Go Home Productions - “Papa Was A Clock” 10 RX Music – “Imagine/Walk on the wild side” 11 Lecture On Nothing – “Opinions” 12 Divide & Kreate – “Always with you” 13 Pop-Chop – “Comp-elation” 14 The Avalanches – “Frontier Psychiatrist” 15 Jim Allenspach – “Friends” 16 DJ Deedle – “Come Tangerine Together” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR262.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am PST

Episode 171, Some Assembly Required (Featuring our 2007 interview with Public Works) 01 Public Works – “Noise” 02 Creature Comforts – “Alone Together” 03 The Tape-beatles – “Do you think it’s an accident?” 04 The Tape-beatles – “Home problems” 05 Public Works – “Substance” 06 Public Works – “Vesicle” 07 Public Works – “Numbers (Forevermore)” 08 Public Works – “Numbers (2)” 09 Public Works – “Follow me” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR171b.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:52am PST

Episode 117, Some Assembly Required (Featuring our 2005 interview with DJ Food) 01 DJ Food – “Break” 02 DJ Food – “The Riff” 03 DJ Food – “Cookin'” 04 DJ Food – “The Ageing Young Rebel” 05 DJ Food – “Raiding the 20th Century (Part 3)” 06 DJ Food – “Raiding the 20th Century (Part 4)” 07 DJ Food – “Sunvibes” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR117b.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:32am PST

Episode 24, Some Assembly Required 01 Steve Fisk - “Tongues” 02 Z-Trip - “U can get with discs or U can get with dat” 03 Steve Fisk - “Oh little seeds” 04 The Evolution Control Committee - “Princelot link and the revolution evolution control committee” 05 Brindle Spork - “Mommy bomb” 06 Wayne Butane - “2000 flushes” 07 Wayne Butane - “Dead monkey arcade” 08 Negativland - "(Debut CD, track 9)" 09 Steve Fisk - “You used me” 10 Steve Fisk - “Emerging nation” 11 Dad’s New Slacks - “Ice teal” 12 Antediluvian Rocking Horse - “Orange” 13 Peanut Butter Wolf/Babu/J-Rocc - “They don’t fall down” Use this address, for your pod software:
Direct download: SAR24.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:27am PST

Happy New Year! 2010 was the 5th year of the SAR Q&A and there were just over a dozen artist features uploaded. The list follows, with links to each and every one. Enjoy, these will be the last updates for a little while, at least... Thanks for listening! Jon Nelson DJ Angelo Christopher DeLaurenti Deskhop Gary DiBenedetto E-603 Flying White Dots Junk Culture Los Kinkos Anton Mobin Rokhausen solcofn Chris Strouth The Superfools Timmy The Tapeworm Robert Voisey Want more? There are over 175 of these online features, and they're all linked to from the bottom of the SAR Interview Page, where you'll also find links to ALL of the radio interviews we've done with SAR artists over the years. There are well over 200 profiles in all... Check them out HERE.
Category: -- posted at: 11:11pm PST