Some Assembly Required
Some Assembly Required is a weekly audio art show focused on works of audio appropriation. "Tape manipulations, digital deconstructions and turntable creations." More information, online at:
This week's episode is the last episode of our final quarter. It's a re-run from the first season of the show. There are just over a dozen episodes left to upload from that year and then every single episode of Some Assembly Required will be available to hear online. At present, there are well over 200 episodes up and available to download for free. I plan to leave these archived here at the SAR website for new listeners. I don't know when I'll get around to uploading those last few episodes from the very first season, but I hope to get it done before the end of the year. Somehow, it just won't feel finished until every last episode is available! In the meantime, click HERE for a list of every episode available to download, along with playlist information for each show. Thanks again for twelve amazing years, Jon Nelson
Category: -- posted at: 6:00pm PST